Where to buy the original Lalafanfan and how to distinguish it from a fake

Where to buy the original Lalafanfan and how to distinguish it from a fake

There are a lot of manufacturers who want to profit from a fashionable duck, especially since it’s super easy to produce it.

The quality of fabric, accessories, and stuffing may be different. There are no 100% reliable instructions on where to buy the original. Some even doubt if it is possible at all.

But you can be guided by the quality of the product: does it look solid? A tip to avoid disappointment: order from the store that accepts returns. Send it back if you have any doubts.

A good toy is 30 cm high, resilient, and densely stuffed with polyester batting, without any zippers (locks) on the body. Pay attention to the clothes and accessories: they must be of the right size, without loose threads and glue. The ribbon on the neck of the original Lalafanfan doesn’t have any inscriptions, and the bell is made of brass.

But even if your toy meets the descriptions, it doesn’t guarantee authenticity. After all, fakes can be of different qualities. In addition, some manage to copy the branded yellow bag with the duckling’s face on it.

Reviews help a lot to find the original model. However, the seller may have different batches of products. If the first was excellent, with high-quality elements, it doesn’t mean the next one will be the same.

Summing up: rely on your own hunches: whether you like or have doubts about a particular toy and whether you are willing to pay this price for it.

Lalafanfan duck prices

  • Ebay: from $10 in non-removable clothing to $125 in removable clothing with purse and glasses.
  • Amazon: from $11 (no clothes) to $100 in removable clothing with accessories.
  • AliExpress: about $10 without clothes, from $13 with removable clothing.

The average price of a fancy duck in mall stores is $25-$40.

Not only is the ruddy bird in demand, but also a host of related products that relate directly or indirectly to it.

Where to buy clothes for the Duck


Where to buy the original Lalafanfan and how to distinguish it from a fake

After having a duckling in the house, many children are puzzled about extra clothes for the duckling. And this is easily solved, there are numerous sets of clothes and accessories for the duckling on sale. Headbands with a bow, headbands, hats, caps, sweaters, pants, overalls, handbags and glasses of various kinds.

Prices for Lalafanfan duck clothes and accessories:

Prices for Lalafanfan duck clothes and accessories


  • Ebay: $8-$20 for a set of 3-4 items (sweater, bow band, bag, glasses). A knit blouse for the duck can also be purchased separately from $8.
  • Amazon: $6.50-$17 set of 3-4 items (hat/either bandage, sweater/either dress, bag, glasses). Individual sunglasses for Ooty are about $5.
  • AliExpress each item individually can cost $1.5-3.5. A set of 3 items (sweater/jumpsuit/dress, cap/bonnet/tie, bag) $4-6$. A set of 4-5 items is $6-$8.

Purse or slippers?

If you or your kids get into the cuteness of this toy, here’s what else to look at:

  • Duck-face cases for AirPods headphones (from $2 on AliExpress, from $5 on Amazon and Ebay);
  • Fancy duck slippers (from $20 at mall stores);
  • Duck purses (from $7 on Ebay, from $4 on Amazon);
  • Duck charms (from $3.50 on Amazon);
  • Backpacks and bags (from $8 on AliExpress, from $6 on Amazon);
  • Lalafanfan duck paper coloring book (from $4 on Ebay);
  • Lalafanfan Duck wooden coloring puzzle (from $15 on Ebay);
  • Duck print t-shirts (from $6.50 on Ebay).